Florian's rambling place

A different fridge to store your eggs

published 2009-02-12 15:32:00

Today I wanted to release a new version of ImageRepository. For quite some time now, I didn't update the product pages at plone.org, because it was very time consuming and cumbersome. But recently plone.org was upgraded to a newer Plone version and the PloneSoftwareCenter was updated to a version which supports the PyPI API for egg uploads.

Python 2.6 contains updates which add the mupload and mregister commands to distutils. For older versions, which are still in common use in the Zope/Plone world, there is collective.dist which adds the same commands. After I followed the instructions to update my ~/.pypirc file, I tried to register. Unfortunately by default the egg name is normalized to "products-imagerepository", but the original location is named just "imagerepository". I was told by David Glick that there is a tab for distutils settings in the project edit page. After I set the primary distutils id to "Products.ImageRepository", the mregister command worked fine! Now I just had to remove the download_url setting from setup.py, so there would be no external link created on each registration.

So, after all these steps I finally made a 0.9 release of ImageRepository and it was easily uploaded to both plone.org and PyPI.